Is wealthy philanthropy doing more harm than good? FT

2019/01/21 wwchu 其他

Edward Luce  DECEMBER 21, 2018, Financial Times.

Two books look at how society has flattered the wealthy into believing they are the source of answers


而在百年前美國社會對這些robber barons的態度是遠較為批判的,甚至起初不允許Rockefeller設立基金會。雖說如JS Mill曾認為「死者應沒有財產權」,但是歷年來,美國已經發展出一套稅法,不單給予基金會永久生存空間,並且捐款得以減免稅捐,即捐款得到補助,越富有邊際稅率越高捐款得到的補助越高。

Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World, by Anand Giridharadas, Knopf, RRP$26.95, Allen Lane, £12.99, 304 pages

Just Giving: Why Philanthropy is Failing Democracy and How It Can Do Better, by Rob Reich, Princeton, RRP£22/$27.95, 256 pages


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