
Industrial Policy Is a Good Idea, but So Far We Don’t Have One

2024/04/22 wwchu 可研究的議題

By James K. GalbraithAPR 19, 2024 Institute for New Economic Thinking https://www.ineteconomics.org/perspectives/blog/industrial-policy-is-a-good-idea-but-so-far-we-dont-have-one Mine (goal) in this essay is narrower: mainly to describe the specific goals of President Biden’s programs, and to assess the likelihood of success given their structure and methods….The American state has lost the capacity for concentrated and decisive effort at the forefront […]


Megalopolis: how coastal west Africa will shape the coming century

2022/11/24 wwchu 可研究的議題

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/27/megalopolis-how-coastal-west-africa-will-shape-the-coming-century By the end of the century, Africa will be home to 40% of the world’s population – and nowhere is this breakneck-pace development happening faster than this 600-mile stretch between Abidjan and Lagosby Howard W French


The Backlash Against Neoliberal Globalization from Above: Elite Origins of the Crisis of the New Constitutionalism

2021/05/06 wwchu 可研究的議題

Quinn Slobodian, First Published April 7, 2021, Theory, Culture and Society https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0263276421999440?journalCode=tcsa This article recounts the backlash against the neoliberal constitutionalism that locked in free trade and capital rights through the multilateral treaty organizations of the 1990s. It argues that we can find important forces in the disruption of the status quo among the elite […]



2021/04/08 wwchu 可研究的議題

原创 澎湃思想市场 澎湃思想市场 2021/4/7 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/TWYK5dkxtPCGFMJ-rr52eQ 文|Conner Woodman, 译|杜云飞 殖民主义是一个自我毁灭的过程。但是它仍然使空气发臭。它是我们的耻辱,它嘲笑或愚弄我们的法律;它用它的种族主义感染我们。 ——反对阿尔及利亚战争的知识分子行动委员会,1957年



2021/03/15 wwchu 可研究的議題

上海社科萌小编 上海社会科学院出版社 2017-05-20 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3MDI0NDcxOA==&mid=2652340656&idx=1&sn=362d90314ab7b466ab7076068a24b78e&chksm=84dce1b1b3ab68a720d3a57cb1a938a7438f188a5e36a992b231d19f1ea1b865cf822e411603&mpshare=1&scene=1&srcid=0314Wd3SJAU8CQNMM9UQOPsK&sharer_sharetime=1615686726119&sharer_shareid=f14234539e09a08e77a9206f4cc494e3&exportkey=Ala7YN3sFq5Uoqo6Qm9dLm8%3D&pass_ticket=NLw4%2FARfgeL2piMupFHaecao%2BNRH9Fvwb%2Fqz2ir8N25xFxRGwr8DkQMc70CLU4l4&wx_header=0#rd 从1943年7月8日到1944年7月8日,一位名为亨利•凯泽(Henry Kaiser)的实业家完成了50艘航母的建造工作,平均每周都有一艘航母下水。


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