
2013/05/06 wwchu 反思經濟學

著名哈佛學者 Niall Ferguson一向批評凱恩斯學派,他也屬於強調降債務的緊縮派,為此前些時才和Krugman交過手,最近他在批評凱恩斯時失言了,說凱恩斯的理論缺乏遠見,「是因為凱恩斯是同志也沒小孩」!
關於凱恩斯是否缺乏遠見,其實情況與批評者所言剛好相反。凱恩斯是為了救危機、為了反對那些認為面對危機不必做什麼事的人,才說那句話「在長期我們都不在了」。他說:”The long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead. Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task if in tempestuous seasons they can only tell us that when the storm is past the ocean is flat again”. 而現在那些喊債務比例已經太高、喊不能債留子孫的人,正是為了阻止政府進一步刺激經濟緩和失業問題,正是同樣的情況。關於此經濟緊縮議題之相關爭議,可參考之前所貼Krugman的文章:The story of our time.
In speech at conference, Harvard professor implied economist lacked foresight because he was childless and gay.

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