April, 2021
江南学派 2021/4/19 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/fUCTRsnLqrlkW_SHluwwEA 2021年4月16-17日,复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院与陈树渠比较政治发展研究中心主办“重新思考比较政治学”研讨会暨《比较政治学》新书发布仪式。台湾大学政治学系教授、台湾“中研院”院士朱云汉受邀发表主旨演讲。就比较政治学的超越、突破、开拓的努力方向,朱教授提出五点建议。特此发布,以飨读者。
与时俱进的 瀛寰治略 2021/4/9 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/RW1hme-mATsFgWmwLAn40g 日前,中央社会主义学院第一副院长潘岳同志为该院“中西文明互鉴丛书”第三册《中国五胡入华与欧洲蛮族入侵》一书作序,讲述了魏晋南北朝时期各族人民出于文化认同而融合成命运共同体并重建大一统国家的故事,解析了日耳曼蛮族入侵罗马后却无法再造统一欧洲的原因,澄清了西方中心主义对我国民族宗教政策误解之源。
STUDYING THE IMPACT OF CHINA’S RISE ON WORKERS, FIRMS, AND MARKETS The research presented here, conducted by Professors David Autor (MIT), David Dorn (University of Zurich), Gordon Hanson (Harvard Kennedy School), and research partners, studies the economic benefits and costs of trade integration. The costs include distributional impacts, which economic theory has long recognized, as […]
Krugman: The Mundell difference
https://voxeu.org/article/mundell-difference Paul Krugman 12 April 2021, VOXEU Nobel Laureate Robert Mundell passed away on 4 April 2021. In this column, Paul Krugman describes the evolution of Mundell’s contribution to economic thought and policy, from his early pathbreaking models that remain the foundation of modern international macroeconomics to his later views that were more controversial and […]
NYT: Krugman Wonks Out: Why Was Trump’s Signature Policy Such a Flop?
The abject failure surprised even the critics. NYT, April 9, 2021 Today’s column is about the Biden administration’s proposal for corporate tax reform — a term I use advisedly. For this isn’t just about raising the tax rate, although that’s part of it. It’s also an attempt to crack down on tax avoidance, in particular […]