March, 2021
Project Syndicate: America’s Stimulus Debate
Feb 25, 2021 The US Congress is currently debating President Joe Biden’s proposed $1.9 trillion economic rescue package, which includes a planned increase in the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour. Policymakers and economists disagree not only about the appropriate size and scope of the measures, but also on the broader question of […]
《纽约客》3月15日新文:“中国制造”外交的兴起 在四季旅行 在四季旅行 2021/3/9 这是翻译自纽约客杂志3月15日即将刊登的文章,Published in the print edition of the March 15, 2021, issue, with the headline “Manufacturing Diplomacy.”作者:Peter Hessler。
上海社科萌小编 上海社会科学院出版社 2017-05-20 从1943年7月8日到1944年7月8日,一位名为亨利•凯泽(Henry Kaiser)的实业家完成了50艘航母的建造工作,平均每周都有一艘航母下水。
许成钢教授谈治学 | 比较
比较 2021/3/14 以下文章来源于RandomWalk Theory ,作者老徐随机游走 本文是许成钢在与徐轶青和李华芳两位年轻教授对话的基础上,整理节选的。推送删减了原来对话中部分内容,现有版本基本都集中于方法论上。
Krugman: Ending the End of Welfare as We Knew It
The Democrats’ new child benefit is a very big deal. 2021/3/11, NYT The era of “the era of big government is over” is over. The relief bill President Biden just signed is breathtaking in its scope. Yet conservative opposition was remarkably limp.